Orientation, the crazy and fun-filled first week of Junior College.
Voyage1 King and 4 sons. The King cannot decide which son is to succeed him, since all 4 of his sons are rather dysfunctional. The King thus hands them a quest, which is to set off to the four islands surrounding T.J., and the one who finds the treasure gets the throne.
King, however, dies in a volcano eruption and the 4 sons, too engrossed in each of their own world, forgets about the quest. Many years later, they have already set up their own empire in each of the islands, namely Zenith, Azurous, Invictus and Ixodus.
The descendants of the 4 had the same nightmare one night, which was of the Ancient King returning to remind them of the quest that he gave their ancestors many years ago. As each sets off to continue the quest from where their forefathers left off, they found the treasure through their strange and dysfunctional trait significant of their clan.
Zenith the "Fatigued" King Benjamin Jr.
Azurous the "Young" King Arvin Jr.
Invictus the "Narcissist" King Chun Kiat Jr.
Ixodus the "Party Animal" King Raimi Jr.
As such, the 4 who have never seen each other before bumped into each other, and a fight ensured. Each of them tried to get the treasure for his own clan, but failed. The magical key to open the treasure chest that was handed down by the Ancient King to each of their ancestor many years ago failed to work.
Miracles do happen, and when all 4 of them use their keys together, the chest opened, and the treasure is the lesson learnt that they can succeed when they are united as one.
Day 1. 3rd January 2006College TriviaBy giving the CGs their own time to go for College Trivia without their OGLs, I felt that bonds were quickly created and people stepped up to lead the group, which is very good! Also, Day 1's mass dance was the most "hiong" since Dhoom is quite a tough dance. Really very tired at the end of the day.
Day 2. 4th January 2006MonopolyI became station master, but judging from the many photos that they took during Monopoly, I am sure that they have had lots of fun. Mass dance was after this, and "Let's Get Retarded" proved a little hard to cram.
OG 3 FLAMMENDE Wet Games Volleybomb!
OG 7 CALIDUS Wet Games Dirty Chess
OG 11 FACULTAS Monopoly Carrying Girls