Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Life's Laws

Just to liven up the spirit for this depressing period of Mid Year Exams [more fondly known as June Common Test]

1. Murphy's Law: If anything can go wrong, it probably will.

2. Cameron's Law: If you don't do anyting, you can't do anything wrong.

3. First Law of Money Dynamics: Unexpected monetary gains will always be offset by unexpected expenses in the same amount.

4. Morris's Law: Anyone can admit to themselves that they were wrong. The true test is admitting to someone else.

5. McGee's Law: It's amazing how quickly it takes to complete something you're not working on.

6. Pinto's Law: Do someone a favour and it becomes your job.

7. Connor's Law: If something is confidential, it will be left on the copier machine.

8. Benchley's Productivity Principle: Anyone can do any amount of work provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing.

9. Gluck's Law: Whichever way u turn upon entering the lift, the buttons will be on the opposite side.

10. Brown's Rule: The key to happiness is a bad memory.

11. Wingfield's Axiom: Accuracy is the sum total of your compensating mistakes.

12. Porter's Principle: If a job does not go wrong -
(i) it will have to be redone.
(ii) it will have to be undone
(iii) it was the wrong job in the first place.

13. Phillips Law: The only changes that are adopted are changes for the worse.

14. Smith's Law: It is easier to seek forgiveness than to get permission.

15. Schmidt's Art Law: Sculpture is what you bump into when you take a step back to look at a painting.

[Source:TJC Forums]

Think about it. Later!


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